2023 02 08 14.01.23

Senac Ceará celebrates the project “C.OL.I.BRI. – Inspira sabores verdadeiros” on 9 and 10 February 2023

After the success of the first year of the “C.OL.I.BRI.”, the co-financed project by the European Commission’s
program “Promotion of agricultural products” – REG/EU 1144/2014, promoted by Op Confoliva, to make
known and taste the European olive oil sector’s products in Brazil, the second year direct by Golden Bossa
LTD will open in the setting of Senac Ceareà.

The protagonists of the event, as well as of the entire promotion program in Brazil “C.OL.I.BRI.”, are European
extra virgin olive oils along with European table olives, with the aim of improving the knowledge’s level of
olive products through a path of information, theory and tasting, capable of increasing awareness and
recognition of the European Union’s quality systems in the agri-food sector.

The two days are aimed, through classroom lessons and tasting courses, at all experts in the food , ho.re.ca.
sector, journalists, and bloggers including all lovers of extra virgin olive oil, table olives and of European food
and wine.

Thanks to the presence of expert teachers, it will be possible to understand the production and the tasting
techniques of European oil and table olives. Each meeting will be enriched by specific sensory analysis and
tastings, highlighting the possible union between Brazilian and European culinary culture.
Guests will be able to count on a recipe book, distributed free of charge, to experiment at home to the
different recipes united by the common thread represented by European olive products and in addition, a
certificate of participation will be issued to participants of the free tasting course.
1st Day
Date: 09/02/2023 – Location: Senac Ceará – Time: 6.30pm
Opening event of the II year.
By Dr. Maria Paola Consolini – Panel expert
Presentation of the Project “C.OL.I.BRI. – Inspira sabores verdadeiros” – REG/EU 1144/2014.
Distribution of project information material – Recipe book – Evo oil and European table olives.
Tasting by renowned chefs.
Free participation.
2nd Day
Date: 02/10/2023 – Location: Senac Ceará – Hours: 09:30
Sensory analysis course of extra virgin olive oil and table olives.
Educational path by Dr. Maria Paola Consolini – Expert Panel – Evo oil and European table olives.
Theoretical and practical session of tasting.
Certificate of participation in the course issued.
Free participation.
For info on the “COL.I.BRI. – Inspira sabores verdadeiros” www.colibrioliva.com.br or social channels –
Facebook – Instagram – YouTube of the project.