Op Confoliva is an agricultural cooperative, established as a Producer Organization and operating throughout the national territory...
…is governed and governed by the principles of mutuality without the purpose of speculation and has been constituted in accordance with Community laws, with a view to obtaining recognition in accordance with the provisions of REG. Ue 1308/2013 and from D.M. Mipaaf 8648/2014.
OP Confoliva, in line with other producer organisations and EU positions, aims to bring olive oil production to market, with greater bargaining power, through interventions capable of improving the quality of products and protecting the environment and the health of consumers.
‘’ULIVONE’’: the oldest olive tree in Europe
Seven meters in diameter at the base. Thirty of circumference to the crown. Fifteen of height. Two thousand six hundred years of life. It still produces eight quintals of olives a year. The majestic, strong, invincible appearance: that of a healthy and lush plant that resists and remains alive almost in spite of its antiquity.
‘’Olive oil is a masterpiece of nature, we at OP Confoliva transform masterpiece in bottles of oil of the various regions...’’
Pier Luigi Sivestri
Chief of OP Confoliva
The objectives identified by the statutes of OP Confoliva are: production planning, concentration of supply for commercial purposes, optimisation of costs and profitability, technical assistance for quality improvement, the identification of new markets, the drafting of research and the development of initiatives to introduce good practice in the sustainable use of natural resources.
The producer organization OP Confoliva is formed by experts in the olive sector, technicians and producers, who have decided to make use of the work of a lifetime and all their experience to achieve a primary goal: the revival of Italian olive oil. The OP confoliva is committed to achieving the objectives set through a strong and qualified structure capable of managing the cooperative from an entrepreneurial point of view, basing commercial policy on innovation, providing its members with technical, commercial and logistical services, educational and informative.
Companies from Lazio, Tuscany, Veneto, Calabria, Sicily, Puglia, Campania, Abruzzo and Basilicata have already joined the op confoliva.